As long as bugle flowers are planted in semi-shade and the soil is fertile and moist, they will carpet the ground with their beautiful foliage, and in spring and early summer their pretty flower spikes are just an added bonus. Read more below on how to grow and use these little charmers in the shade garden.
Friday, 08 July 2022 13:51

Dymondia is perfect between pavers

Dymondia is a drought hardy yet charming, well-behaved groundcover, with attractive foliage, and yellow bee-friendly flowers throughout summer. Click the link to read more about this endangered plant, and how to grow and propagate it with ease.

Dymondia margaretae. Picture courtesy Wild Flower NurseryDymondia margaretae. Picture courtesy Wild Flower NurseryCondensed Version:

This evergreen perennial forms low-growing mats, only 2 to 7cm in height, carpeting the ground with narrow, greyish-green leaves with fuzzy white undersides that give the plants a silvery appearance, and throughout summer it produces masses of tiny yellow daisy-like blooms. Each plant will spread about 40 to 50cm, making dymondia a wonderful filler plant between pavers and stepping-stones.

Dymondia tolerates heat and thrives in full sun or light shade. Initially, growth is slow and regular watering is required for the first 6 months, or until it is established.  Once established, dymondia has deep, succulent roots which make it drought tolerant, but try to water deeply about once a week during dry spells.

It adapts to most well-drained garden soils. In the wild it grows in poor, rocky soil, and tolerates salty sea breezes, making it a must-have for coastal gardens. In these regions, adding generous quantities of compost to the planting beds will produce better growth, and adding a good layer of mulch over the roots after planting will help to conserve moisture.

Along the coast, and in hot inland gardens, growth slows to a crawl in the heat of high summer, springing back to life when the days become cooler. In hot and arid inland gardens dymondia will take some shade, and if the soil is enriched and the plants can be watered, it should do well.

Although dymondia tolerates low winter temperatures, it will only tolerate light to moderate frost, and if the temperature drops below -2°C, it can be fatal. However, if the roots are warmly mulched in winter the plants will die back but should sprout again in spring.

For a groundcover plant it about 30 to 40cm apart. An organic slow-release fertiliser can be used to keep plants growing vigorously, and mature plantings should be divided every few years to retain vigour.

Full Version:

Description, History & Interesting Facts:

Dymondia margaretae is endemic to the Southern Overberg which lies east of Cape Town beyond the Hottentots-Holland Mountains, and its range is basically from Agulhas to Potberg. The boundaries of the Overberg are the Hottentots-Holland Mountains in the West, the Riviersonderend Mountains, part of the Cape Fold Belt in the North, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in the South, and the Breede River in the East.

Click here to see Google images of the Overberg

Dymondia margaretae is endemic to this region of South Africa, meaning it does not occur in the wild anywhere else, and it is also monotypic, being the only species in this genus. It occurs at altitudes of 160 to 200m, and is found on well-drained, sandy, coastal flats, and seasonally wet pans in slightly alkaline soils.

This lovely slow-growing evergreen perennial forms low-growing mats, only 2 to 7cm in height, carpeting the ground with narrow, greyish-green leaves with fuzzy white undersides that give the plants a silvery appearance. If they are kept on the dry side, the tiny, narrow leaves curl slightly, exposing their white undersides, giving this groundcover its beautiful silvery look, and common names like: Tapytmadeliefie, Dymondia, Silver Carpet, or Carpet Daisy.

Throughout summer, this environmentally friendly plant produces masses of cheerful, tiny yellow daisy-like blooms that are beloved by bees. Each plant will spread about 40 to 50cm, and the growth is so dense that it will choke out almost all weeds, making dymondia a wonderful filler plant between pavers and stepping-stones situated in full sun to light shade.

Dymondia is visited by many insects including bees, beetles and butterflies, but it is not yet known which one, or if all of these, are pollinators. Seed is dispersed by the wind, aided by the hairy rings of the pappus. A pappus is a modified calyx made up of a ring of fine hairs, scales, or teeth that persist after fertilisation and aid the wind dispersal of the fruit, often by forming a parachute-like structure.

Click here to see beautiful Google images of Dymondia margaritae

This lovely ground cover is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, and is not invasive, but ironically, in its native range in South Africa it is endangered and faces a very high risk of extinction in the wild. Its geographic range is estimated to be less than 5000 km², and populations are severely fragmented.  The Overberg is primarily known as the wheat basket of South Africa, but free range sheep and cattle are also farmed extensively in this region. There are also small pockets of premium vineyards and olive groves. This, together with other human encroachments has certainly contributed to its current rarity. 

Only rarely are both the genus and species of a plant named after the same person, but this was the case with Dymondea margaritae which is named after of a noted South African horticulturalist, Margaret Elizabeth Dryden-Dymond (1909-1952). She was a member of the horticultural staff at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, and on an expedition in 1933 to the Bredasdorp District, she spotted this plant and brought back plant material to Kirstenbosch to document and study.

Only one patch of the plant was seen by her growing beside a road, and although it was repeatedly searched for in later years it was never found again, and no further records of the plant were made until 1949 when Mr H. David brought in fragments from a collecting trip at the foot of the Potberg. Later in October 1950 the plant was found growing in the Bontebok National Park, covering a dry shallow pan. The most recent herbarium collection was in 2005 by N.A. Helme.

According to San Marcos Growers in Southern California, Dymondia was introduced to them in 1985 by John Bleck, who was the manager of UC-Santa Barbara Biology Greenhouses at the time. Since then it has rightfully become a common plant in the California landscape where it is often referred to as a “Mini Gazania”, and is showcased in coastal gardens.

Isn’t it sad that one of our very own plants is so rare in its native habitat, yet it flourishes elsewhere, while not being at all invasive? Perhaps one day this little gem can be replanted in the wild from donations of rooted cuttings from gardeners in South Africa, wouldn’t that be wonderful!

In the Garden:

Dymondia is highly recommended for regions where drought is a serious concern for gardeners, and is absolutely invaluable in coastal gardens, helping to limit wind soil erosion in bare patches, and to stabilise and retain soil on slopes.  It also grows very well inland, but in areas of high rainfall, unless the soil has excellent drainage, it should be grown on a generous slope or raised rockery to improve drainage.

Across many regions of South Africa homeowners are looking for attractive, drought resistant and low-maintenance groundcovers and lawn substitutes. As a lawn substitute, dymondia is perfect for areas of the garden that receive only light foot traffic, and in areas which receive more foot traffic you can protect a dymondia lawn by using paving stones or railway sleepers to create walking paths through these spaces. Gravel pathways can also be used in high traffic areas, and if edged with dymondia and other water-wise plants, can look quite stunning. Using pavers and gravel in this way in the garden is very sustainable and eco-friendly. However, if you have children and pets that enjoy running and playing on the lawn, you will need a sturdier lawn alternative.

Dymondia is a valuable all-round landscape plant, and with its attractive appearance and hardiness it can be used as a groundcover in rockeries amongst succulents, sea thrift (Armeria maritima), red hot pokers, yarrow, cycads, agave, cone bushes (Leucodendron), and many other water-wise plants. Even simply cascading down a stone wall or over a hanging basket or pot, this little plant will attract attention, making it perfect for sunny courtyards and balconies.

Dymondia margaretae. Picture courtesy James Gaither see his flickr pageDymondia margaretae. Picture courtesy James Gaither see his flickr pageCultivation/Propagation:

This little all-rounder is most obliging, tolerating heat and thriving in full sun or light shade, but be careful when watering plants growing in shade, as the plants will die back in large unsightly patches if overwatered. Initially, growth is slow and regular watering is required for the first 6 months, or until it is established.  Once established, dymondia has deep, succulent roots which make it drought tolerant, but to keep it looking good in the garden, try to water deeply about once a week during dry spells.

It adapts to most well-drained garden soils. In the wild it grows in poor, rocky soil, and tolerates salty sea breezes, making it a must-have for coastal gardens. In these regions, adding generous quantities of compost to the planting beds will produce better growth, and adding a good layer of mulch over the roots after planting will help to conserve moisture.

Along the coast, and in hot inland gardens, growth slows to a crawl in the heat of high summer, springing back to life when the days become cooler.

In hot and arid inland gardens dymondia will take some dry shade, and if the soil is enriched and the plants can be watered, it should do well.

Although dymondia tolerates low winter temperatures, it will only tolerate light to moderate frost, and if the temperature drops below -2°C, it can be fatal. However, if the roots are warmly mulched in winter and  the plants  die back, they should sprout again in spring.

For a groundcover plant it about 30 to 40cm apart. An organic slow-release fertiliser can be used to keep plants growing vigorously, and mature plantings should be divided every few years to retain vigour.

Dymondia can be grown from seed, division or cuttings. The easiest method of propagation is division, followed by tip cuttings.

Runners from mature stands can be dug up and removed with their roots to be replanted. Replanting is best done on the same day, as the runners' chance of surviving is lessened the longer they are without soil. Plant into sandy, well-drained soil and add a generous amount of well-rotted compost. Plant approximately 20cm apart for quick cover. Ensure that you water your new plants well until they are settled.

Vegetative propagation is best done in late winter or early spring as the plant prepares for its new growth season. Tip cuttings can be made from shoots off the rhizomes and, with the aid of a rooting hormone, should root within 3 to 4 weeks. Place the cuttings into well-drained sandy soil and keep moist but not wet.

Seeds are sown in spring or early summer.

Problems, Pests & Diseases:

Dymondia, if grown correctly is not affected by serious pests or diseases.

About the only thing that this plant does not tolerate well is a heavy or otherwise non-draining soil. People that have problems are often overwatering it or have it planted in soils that do not drain adequately.


We did not find Dymondia margaretae listed as toxic anywhere, but it is always advises to supervise small children in the garden and to discourage pets from chewing on plants.

The gorgeous, non-invasive, and water-wise ground morning glory can be grown with ease in most regions of South Africa. It is suitable for cool, temperate, as well as subtropical and coastal gardens. Read more about caring for and using this beautiful groundcover below. 

Convolvulus sabatius. Picture courtesy Plant Right on flickrConvolvulus sabatius. Picture courtesy Plant Right on flickrCondensed Version:

The ground morning glory is a scrambling evergreen perennial with lovely grey-green leaves and lilac-blue flowers that bloom for a very long time from spring, all through summer and into autumn, and in warmer frost free regions all year round.  It has a dense and compact form, and each year the clump will grow stronger and bigger, starting off at around 10 to 15cm tall, with a greater spread, and maturing after about two years to a height of about 20cm and a spread of approximately 50 to 60cm or more, depending on climate and rainfall.

If grown correctly the ground morning glory can be grown with ease in most regions of South Africa. It is suitable for cool, temperate, and subtropical gardens, and is salt tolerant, making it great for coastal gardens. It also thrives in our winter rainfall regions if it is watered moderately in summer. The plants may struggle in excessively humid regions, where they must be correctly spaced and planted in a spot that has good air flow around the leaves.

The ground morning glory is hardy to light or moderate frost, depending on how exposed the plants are, and has been known to tolerate temperatures as low as -8°C, if it is planted in perfectly draining soil. However, in these cold temperatures, combined with frost, the tops will freeze back, but will usually re-sprout in spring if the roots are mulched in winter.  Many gardeners in very cold regions treat this plant as a summer annual, sowing seed when the spring temperatures are between 18 and 20°C, and transplanting them into the garden in late spring or early summer, when all danger of frost is over.

It does well in full sun but will take light shade, and tolerates a wide range of soil types, as they drain well. In sandy soils a generous amount of compost or other organic material added to the planting beds will give the plants a good start and help to conserve moisture. Applying a fresh layer of compost and mulch, together with and annual feeding in spring with a balanced organic fertiliser is all that is required to keep this lovely plant happy and blooming.

Water young plants regularly until they are well established, but once established, its strong roots make this plant very tolerant of dry conditions. To keep it looking at its best in the garden, try to water moderately during long and hot, dry spells.

Once established this plant needs almost no maintenance, and if it does outgrow its allotted space it can be trimmed back to size at any time.

Convolvulus sabatius blooming in front of Pittosporum tobira Picture courtesy Leonora (Ellie) Enking see her flickr pageConvolvulus sabatius blooming in front of Pittosporum tobira Picture courtesy Leonora (Ellie) Enking see her flickr pageFull Version:

Description, History & Interesting Facts:

Mention the name morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) in South Africa, and the first thing that springs to mind is one of the greatest horrors for gardeners, as this twining plant with its beautiful purple flowers can climb up vertically and spread horizontally with great vigour, covering everything in sight, and is so destructive to our native plants that it has been listed as an invasive plant here for a long time.

Click here to see images of Ipomoea purpurea 

Gardeners will be glad to know that the ground morning glory is not at all invasive, even though it belongs to the same family (Convolvulaceae) as the invasive Ipomea purpurea, and even in countries like Australia, that is very strict about invasive plants, the ground morning glory remains a very popular groundcover, as it thrives in the harsh climate there, which is similar to South Africa’s in many ways.

The ground morning glory does not wander or set seed, rather, this scrambling evergreen perennial stays in one place, flooding the ground around it with pools of delicately creased lilac-blue flowers that almost smother the lovely grey-green leaves that are soft to the touch. The flowers are approximately 3cm in diameter, and the plants bloom for a very long time from spring, all through summer and into autumn, and in warmer frost free regions blooming can be all year round.  The flowers close in the evening and when they’re over they roll themselves up into tight little twists before dropping. The flowers attract butterflies, moths, bees and other insects.

This groundcover has a dense and compact form, and each year the clump will grow stronger and bigger, starting off at around 10 to 15cm tall, with a greater spread, and maturing after about two years to a height of about 20cm and a spread of approximately 50 to 60cm or more, depending on climate and rainfall.

Click here to see Google images if the ground morning glory.

Ground morning glory is native to Algeria and Morocco, in north western Africa, but also has populations in Spain and Italy. It is commonly found growing on calcareous rocks in full sun along the coastline, up to about 300m in elevation.

It was long known as Convolvulus mauritanicus, which was described from North Africa, but is now considered to be a synonym, and is commonly called: “Ground Morning Glory”, “Blue Rock Bindweed”, “African Bindweed”, or “Mauritian Bindweed”.

It has been introduced into many countries, including: Great Britain, Greece, New Zealand, Sicilia, and Western Australia. Both Convolvulus sabatius, and Convolvulus cneorum with its lovely white flowers, were winners of the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 1993, and they have been grown in Britain since 1984.

In the Garden:

The ground morning glory is one of the most versatile and hard-working plants around. It is non-invasive and easy to grow for low maintenance areas, and because it is water-wise, is recommended for xeriscaping. It is exceptional as a ground cover, and its spreading roots make it ideal to retain the soil on steep banks.

It is also a lovely filler plant to cover gaps between other plants, and is most impressive if allowed to scramble over low walls, or to tumble down the sides of steps made with sleepers or rocks. Spilling over the edges of containers and hanging baskets on terraces and balconies, it can put on a spectacular display.

The soft, hairy, evergreen foliage and lavender-blue flowers make a soft, cool statement in the garden, working well with any colour scheme whether bright or pastel, and looking particularly lovely with hotter pinks and yellows. This lovely plant blends effortlessly with a host of companion plants which also enjoy full sun, water in moderation, and well-drained soil. Try it with: Black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata), Dichondra 'Silver Falls', Seaside Daisy (Erigeron karvinskianus), Australian Violet (Viola hederacea), Snow-in-summer (Cerastium tomentosum), Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia), Bacopa copia (Sutera hybrida), Alyssum (Lobularia maritime), and Million Bells (Calibrachoa syn Petunia).

Members can click on highlighted text to read more about the companion plants mentioned above.

Convolvulus sabatius. Picture courtesy Plant Right on flickrConvolvulus sabatius. Picture courtesy Plant Right on flickrCultivation/Propagation:

If grown correctly the ground morning glory can be grown with ease in most regions of South Africa. It is suitable for cool, temperate, and subtropical gardens, and is salt tolerant, making it great for coastal gardens. It also thrives in our winter rainfall regions if it is watered moderately in summer. The plants may struggle in excessively humid regions, where they must be correctly spaced and planted in a spot that has good air flow around the leaves.

The ground morning glory is hardy to light or moderate frost, depending on how exposed the plants are, and has been known to tolerate temperatures as low as -8°C, if it is planted in perfectly draining soil. However, in these cold temperatures, combined with frost, the tops will freeze back, but will usually re-sprout in spring if the roots are mulched in winter.  Many gardeners in very cold regions treat this plant as a summer annual, sowing seed when the spring temperatures are between 18 and 20°C, and transplanting them into the garden in late spring or early summer, when all danger of frost is over.

It does well in full sun but will take light shade, and tolerates a wide range of soil types, including acid, alkaline and neutral, as long as they drain well. The plant will grow in chalk and sandy to loamy soils and even clay that is prepared and drains well. In sandy soils and exposed coastal sites, a generous amount of compost or other organic material added to the planting beds will give the plants a good start and help to conserve moisture.

Applying a fresh layer of compost and mulch, together with and annual feeding in spring with a balanced organic fertiliser is all that is required to keep this lovely plant happy and blooming.

Water young plants regularly until they are well established, but once established, its strong roots make this plant very tolerant of dry conditions. To keep it looking at its best in the garden, try to water moderately during long and hot, dry spells.

Once established this plant needs almost no maintenance, and if it does outgrow its allotted space it can be trimmed back to size at any time.

Convolvulus sabatius is easily propagated by seed sown in spring, or from softwood cuttings.

Problems, Pests & Diseases:

Convolvulus sabatius is easy to grow with few pests or diseases. It may be susceptible to common garden pests like aphids and spider mites, and diseases like rust, especially in humid regions.


The seeds are poisonous if eaten. Always supervise small children in the garden and discourage pets from chewing on pants.

Monday, 18 July 2022 11:19

Black Clay Mushrooms

This realistic grouping of five clay mushrooms on sticks is sure to brighten-up your potted plants, where they’re sure to attract attention. They make the perfect bespoke gift. Click here to see more...
I have had so much fun crafting these sets of colourful mushrooms on sticks, and I hope you will love them too. They just add a charming 'finishing touch' to potted plants, and are sure to attract attention. Click here to see more...
Our indigenous creeping foxglove is quickly gaining popularity with gardeners at home, because it is a most rewarding and obliging groundcover for sun and shade, and a must-have for wildlife gardens.

Asystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Frank Starmer from flickrAsystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Frank Starmer from flickrCondensed Version:

Asystasia gangetica is quite endearing with its lovely dark green leaves and profusion of small, fragrant cream flowers which can appear sporadically at any time in spring and summer, and all year round in warm climates. The flower petals have delicate purple streaks in them that act as nectar guides for the host of pollinators that visit the flowers.

It is a must-have for wildlife gardens, and a useful groundcover for shady areas under trees, but is equally suited to mass planting in sunny areas, Because of its vigorous nature it is not suitable for very small gardens, but there’s no reason why you could not have one in a hanging basket, as the trailing habit of this plant looks quite spectacular, and it can even be trained to climb up a trellis.

The creeping foxglove tolerates full sun if it is given adequate water. It flowers profusely in a sunny position, but also grows exceptionally well in shade, even deep shade, but in too much shade the flowers are sparse. In tropical and subtropical areas it can grow rampantly, and the plant is also moderately hardy to cold and frost, but the leaves can die back to soil level if subjected to severe frost. However, the plant will usually regenerate in spring if the roots are mulched in autumn to protect them from the cold.

It will grow in most soil types given enough compost, and this is especially important if it is planted underneath trees. In the garden, regular feeding in spring and summer, together with regular watering, will keep the plant looking lush, and encourage even more blooms. It may require regular pruning to keep it in control, especially if planted underneath trees, as it will willingly grow up the stems of trees or anything else in its path.

Full Version:

Description, History & Interesting Facts:

It’s also quite endearing with its lovely dark green leaves and profusion of small, fragrant cream flowers which can appear sporadically at any time in spring and summer, and all year round in warm climates. The flower petals have delicate purple streaks in them that act as nectar guides for the host of pollinators that visit the flowers. The flowers resemble foxgloves, hence its common name, Creeping Foxglove. The flowers also look remarkably like our indigenous Forest Bell Bush, Bosklokkiesbos, or Mufhanza (Mackaya bella) but the 1.5cm wide blooms are smaller than those of the forest bell bush. The fruit is a small green capsule that ‘explodes’ to disperse the seeds.

Members can click here to read more about Mackaya bella 

The similarity between the two comes as no surprise, as both Mackaya bella and Asystasia gangetica belong to the same family (Acanthaceae), and are closely related. The large Acanthaceae family includes other South African garden favourites like the beautiful Black-eyed-Susan, Swartoognooi, or isiPhondo (Thunbergia alata), and the Bush Violet, Kleinbosviooltjie (Barleria obtusa).

Members can click here to read more about Black-eyed Susan

Members can click here to read more about the Bush Violet

Asystasia gangetica is a fast growing, evergreen perennial herb which is widely distributed from tropical Asia to southern Africa. The subspecies found in South Africa differs from the Asian plant which usually has larger pink flowers.

In South Africa it occurs along the eastern coastal areas of the country and in the north, growing wild in the forests and woodlands of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga; extending into Swaziland, Mozambique, Botswana, and Namibia. The stems root easily at the nodes, enabling it to spread vigorously, and it can reach a height of 30 to 45cm with a spread of 60cm, but in tropical and subtropical regions it can grow a lot taller, 60cm to 1m in height with an even wider spread. There is a form known as Asystasia gangetica ‘aurea’ that has attractive yellowish-green leaves.

It comes as no surprise that Aystasia gangetica is not threatened in any way in South Africa, and is listed as LC (Least Concern) in the Red Data List. The only bad attribute to be said about this plant is that it is perhaps a bit too obliging, and in the warmer, wetter regions of southern Africa, and elsewhere, it can become invasive in the garden. As long as you are aware of this and are prepared to keep it in check, if necessary, this indigenous plant is lovely in small or large gardens.

As with so many beautiful garden plants that are grown outside their native ranges, Asystasia gangetica can be invasive, and according to the Global Invasive Species Database this creeper is potentially highly invasive. It has been introduced into tropical areas in North, Central and South America, Hawaii, West Indies, and Australia, and has escaped garden cultivation and become a danger for indigenous species. It is included on various lists of invasive plants, including for Cuba, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. It has caused major problems in the ecosystems of the Pacific Islands, and in Australia it is on the National Environmental Alert List, while in Florida it is considered a noxious weed.

Asystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Nu-leaf NurseryAsystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Nu-leaf NurseryUses:

In some parts of Africa, the leaves are eaten as a vegetable, and used as an herbal remedy in traditional African medicine for the management of asthma.

In the Garden:

Because of its vigorous nature the creeping foxglove is not suitable for very small gardens, but there is no reason why you could not have one in a hanging basket, as the trailing habit of this plant looks quite spectacular in a large basket or tall pot, and can provide a lot of privacy on a small balcony. It can even be trained to climb up a trellis.    

If you have a large expanse that needs covering, try the magic of this indigenous beauty.  It is a useful groundcover for shady areas under trees, but is equally suited to mass planting in sunny areas, provided the area receives regular irrigation. If you are using it in a large semi-shady space as a groundcover, try planting it with plants like Dietes grandiflora and Clivia miniata for a lovely contrast of colour, form and texture.

Members can click here to read more about  the Wild Iris (Dietes grandiflora)

Members can click here to read more about the Bush Lily (Clivia miniata)

It is a must-have for wildlife gardens, and especially for honey bee and butterfly friendly gardens, as it is the larval host to a number of butterfly species, including:. Common Diadem, Yellow Pansy and Blue Pansy, Brown Pansy, Soldier Pansy, Common and Cloudy Mother-of-pearls.

Click here to see Google images of the Common Diadem butterfly

Click here to see Google images of the Yellow and Blue Pansy butterflies

Click here to see Google images of the Brown Pansy butterfly

Click here to see Google images of the Soldier Pansy butterfly

Click here to see Google images of Common and Cloudy Mother-of-pearls butterfly

This plant is also a larval host to some moth species, and insectivorous birds will forage among the plants looking for other insects like beetles that are attracted to the flowers.  These insects are also an important food source for frogs and lizards.

Asystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Miltos Gikas from flickrAsystasia gangetica. Picture courtesy Miltos Gikas from flickrCultivation/Propagation:

The creeping foxglove is an attractive but very vigorous groundcover that tolerates full sun if it is given adequate water. It flowers profusely in a sunny position, but also grows exceptionally well in shade, even deep shade, but in too much shade the flowers are sparse.

In tropical and subtropical areas it can grow rampantly, and the plant is also moderately hardy to cold and frost, but the leaves can die back to soil level if subjected to severe frost. However, the plant will usually regenerate in spring if the roots are mulched in autumn to protect them from the cold.

The creeping foxglove will grow in most soil types given enough compost, and this is especially important if it is planted underneath trees. In the garden, regular feeding in spring and summer, together with regular watering, will keep the plant looking lush, and encourage even more blooms.

It may require regular pruning to keep it in control, and especially if planted underneath trees, as it will willingly grow up the stems trees or anything else in its path.

Propagation is from seed, cuttings, or by removing rooted runners.

Problems, Pests & Diseases:

Like many soft herbs, Asystasyia gangetica is susceptible to attack from dodder (Cuscuta campestris). Dodder is a slender, leafless, parasitic herb with yellow, twining stems reaching a height of up to 2m and forming dense patches up to 5m across. It produces little whitish flowers, followed greenish yellow fruit capsules. Any plants affected by dodder should immediately me removed from the garden and destroyed.

Click here to see Google images of dodder


Asystasyia gangetica is not poisonous.

Sunday, 31 July 2022 11:26

Lest We Forget

In anticipation of this year’s Remembrance Day, MayFord Seeds have launched a new livery seed packet, packed with Flanders Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) seed. Read more about the touching story of this beautiful poppy, and how sow it directly into sunny garden beds or pots.
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