Friday, 07 October 2022 08:45

DIY spray to prevent Blight

Make this easy DIY organic spray to help prevent blight in the garden, or search for your favourite recipe online. 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate of…
Friday, 07 October 2022 08:59

African bollworm

African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) In South Africa, African bollworm is most destructive to cotton and maize, but sporadic outbreaks on grapevines, deciduous fruit and citrus…
Our indigenous carpet geranium or crane’s bill, with its masses of delicate flowers almost all year round, is a spreading groundcover that is just as happy in a fynbos garden as it is in a bushveld one. Read all about growing it, and how to use it in the garden below.
After the exuberant peak of the mid-summer garden it is often left looking a little tired and uninteresting, but if you include plants that come into their own at this time and continue flowering into autumn you have a winning recipe, and you can’t go wrong with bush violets, they are wonderfully easy-going and put on a lovely show. Read more below on the popular garden species.
Friday, 21 October 2022 09:04

Just in time for Halloween

This spooky bespoke piece is just in time for Halloween, and a perfect gift as it is totally unique – no other one quite like it will ever be made again. The selling price includes free shipping in SA.  Click here to read more
Monday, 24 October 2022 10:45

Haunted Halloween Fairy House

This bespoke fairy house is totally unique and a perfect gift for adults, or just for you! Price includes a string of battery operated fairy lights and free shipping in SA. Click here to read more.
Creeping Jenny is a very popular groundcover in South Africa because it grows easily from the coast to the cold hinterland. However, it is often thought of as a nuisance in the garden because of how well it spreads. It's one of those plants that straddle’s the line between obnoxious invasive and beautiful ornamental, you be the judge. Read all about it below.
Ocimum obovatum was previously known as Becium obovatum, but luckily its common names remain the same, and once you have seen this lovely perennial in full bloom you will never forget it. Read all about it below.
Container gardening is a great way to enjoy fresh produce throughout the year and with a little gardening know-how you will soon be harvesting your own home-grown vegetables and herbs. If you are keen to try, read more below to learn the secrets to success.
Monday, 21 November 2022 12:54

Growing vegetables & herbs in containers

Container gardening is a great way to enjoy fresh produce throughout the year and with a little gardening know-how you will soon be harvesting your…
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